cafoutch  > Mixes > Jazz  > Post-Bop, Modal & Cosmic Jazz From Europe

Post-Bop, Modal & Cosmic Jazz From Europe


by Switch Groove

Europa has been and is always a significant supplier of modern and contemporary jazz expressions thanks to some records imprints. This selection presents some of them : Saba/MPS, ECM, Amiga or NABEL in Deutschland, local divisions of US company like Columbia or Atlantic, french records imprints Spirit Jazz or JMS, Polish Jazz in Poland or more recent productions by Warp records or Komos Jazz.

Three genres of the large jazz family is here represented : post bop, modal and cosmic jazz.
We can clearly tidy up some tunes in one of these categories but the most of them are hybrid expression taking structure elements of each. The first part of the mix presents for example modal themes where post bop swing meets eastern musical structures. And personally when I listen a zither I directly join the stars voguing in outer-space. 

Let’s play the music and live it with all your body and soul.

Have a nice trip !